Wednesday, 13 August 2014

In a Basing Mood.

Hey Painters!

I don't know about you but I tend to work on a couple of projects at the same time. I do this,well because get both easily distracted and bored quickly. So by doing lots different things at the same time to keep me interested.

So couple of weeks ago i bought a load of OOP metal models from someone who works for me. I have been busy stripping them and figuring out how I am going to base them.

Here is what I have done so far.

I am going to go for an ancient ruins look with this one. Lots of overgrown foliage and rubble.

Haven't glued these down yet, but I am really looking forward to painting this one.

That's all.

Old Mini Junky

TUTORIAL: How I paint Ork skin (Death Skullz)

Hey Painters!

So this is how I painted the skin for my Death Skull Ork Nob. I am just concentrating on the face for this but the technique was used for the whole body. I have used GW paints for all of this process.

Step One:

I have duel primed the model with Chaos Black Spray first, then from above at a 45 degree angle with Skull White Spray. I do this to help define the features to make it easier to paint and it give it a good surface to paint over.

Step Two:

I base coated the model with Warboss Green thinned down 1:1 with water and applied multiple layers to model until I was happy with the coverage.

Step Three:

I then washed the recesses with 1:1 mix of Biel-Tan Grenn and Carroburg Crimson. I let that dry before a thin glaze of just Biel-Tan Green over the whole model.

Step Four:

I the applied the first highlight with Skarsnik Green again thinned down. I just hit the parts where I think the light would hit.

Step Five:

I then started on the blue war paint. For this I used Caledor Sky. I roughly paint half of the face. I didn't get right into the recesses with this, firstly I didn't want touch the shading and also I wanted to leave some of the green skin showing.

Step Six:

Using a small piece of sponge I gently dabbed on some Warboss Green to give the effect that some of the war paint has worn off.

Step Seven:

I then went back in with the Skarsnik Green highlight on the exposed skin under the war paint.

Step Eight:

For the final highlight I used Kislev Flesh

Step Nine:

I lightly base coated the lips with Daemonette Hide and based the teeth with Zandri Dust

Step Ten:

I highlighted the teeth with Ushabti Bone then Screaming Skull. Then the lips with  a 2:1 mix of Daemonette Hide and White Scar. To finish i thinned down a little Blood for the Blood God with Lahmian Medium and ran along the inside of the lip to give the effect of a gum-line.

And that's it, hope you liked. I will show you the finished model next time.


Old Mini Junky

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

My current project

Welcome to the next instalment from Old Mini Junky. For this I wanted to show you what I am currently working on, which is a squad of Death Skull Ork Nobz. I have never painted Orks before but after seeing a couple of videos on YouTube I was really inspired.

So I have a few photos the first Ork almost painted. In further blogs I will be showing you step by step how I have been painting these guys. I have to say i really enjoyed painting this Ork and really looking forward to finishing the squad (or should i say Skwod?).

All my Nobz we be weilding close combat weapons and be splattered with blood.

I used GW 'Blood for the Blood God' for this effect.

As they are Death Skulls they will all have war paint some where on their body. I wanted to give the war paint a worn out look so you can see their skin underneath in patches.

You can also see that his armour was once all painted blue, but there are only patches of paint left and rust is starting to form in parts of the arnour and weapon. I'm also really happy how the feace turned out.

So my next blog I will show you how I painted his skin and how I got the tattered war paint effect. I would also love any feedback on what you think of this mini.
See you next time

Old Mini Junky